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Everything IELTS – Writing Samples

IELTSwithHuyen · March 10, 2024
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This is a series of IELTS Writing Samples that are well-written based on the standards of IELTS. Every sample comes with highlighted vocabulary and grammar with clear explanations, and quizzes based on the highlights to help you learn better.

It is important for you to remember that reading the samples and doing the quizzes only won’t help much if you don’t proactively use what you learn from the samples and quizzes in your own writing.

How to use these samples effectively.

Step 1: Analyze the task to understand what needs to be done.

Step 2: Read the Sample.

Step 4: Read the highlighted words and phrases to understand them.

Step 5: Practice writing sentences using the highlighted words/phrases and any words/phrases you find important.

All words and phrases are explained using the contexts they are in. The words and phrases may have different definitions in other contexts.


All samples are written by Huyen Nguyen.

All samples are copyrighted.

Course Content

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1

IELTS General Training Writing Task 1
IELTS Writing Task 2
1 of 2

About Instructor


Founder of Practice9 - IELTS Trainer (8.5 overall) - 11 years experience

10 Courses

+10 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 23 Lessons
  • 23 Quizzes
  • Word of the day

    noun [Countable/Uncountable] Formal
    UK /ˈsen.tɪ.mənt/ US /ˈsen.t̬ə.mənt/
    a thought, opinion, or idea based on a feeling about a situation, or a way of thinkingabout something:
    [Countable] She shares a lot of my sentiments.
    [Uncountable] I tried to turn the connunity sentiment against the construction of the new shopping mall.